Career Personality Test Result

Introverted (I) 70% Extroverted (E) 30%
Realistic (S) 53.85% Imaginative (N) 46.15%
Emotional (F) 58.54% Intellectual (T) 41.46%
Organized (J) 58.33% Easygoing (P) 41.67%

Your type is: ISFJ

You are a Guardian, possible professions include – counseling, ministry, library work, nursing , secretarial, curators, bookkeepers, dental hygienists, computer operator, personnel administrator, paralegal, real estate agent, artist, interior decorator, retail owner, musician, elementary school teacher, physical therapist, nurse, social worker, personnel counselor, alcohol/drug counselor.

Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test

And from this website some snippets from what being ISFJ means:

  • “And although they’re hurt by being treated like doormats, they are often unwilling to toot their own horns about their accomplishments because they feel that although they deserve more credit than they’re getting, it’s somehow wrong to want any sort of reward for doing work (which is supposed to be a virtue in itself). (And as low-profile Is, their actions don’t call attention to themselves as with charismatic Es.)”
    – Bingo. This is why I have such a hard time writing cover letters about my previous accomplishments.
  • “In the workplace, ISFJs are methodical and accurate workers, often with very good memories and unexpected analytic abilities; they are also good with people in small-group or one-on-one situations because of their patient and genuinely sympathetic approach to dealing with others.”
    – Which is why I love library work in cataloging. It requires a lot of attention to detail.
  • “Like most Is, ISFJs have a few, close friends. They are extremely loyal to these, and are ready to provide emotional and practical support at a moment’s notice.”
    – Very true.

    And from this site:

  • “They are not as outgoing and talkative as the Providers [ESFJs], except with close friends and relatives. With these they can chat tirelessly about the ups and downs in their lives, moving (like all the Guardians) from topic to topic as they talk over their everyday concerns. However, their shyness with strangers is often misjudged as stiffness, even coldness, when in truth these Protectors are warm-hearted and sympathetic, giving happily of themselves to those in need.”
    – This is definitely me. I’m always shy of strangers, especially those older or in a higher position than myself. Though once as I know someone, I open up and talk with them often. I’ve also read that my type dislikes conflicts, which is again why I’m shy around authority figures.

    And heck this whole page is a very accurate description on what my personality is like.

    My boyfriend Giuliano took the test and found out he’s actually an ISTP personality.

  • First Post! WOOT!

    Okay just kidding about the subject. I just find it funny how many people do “WOOT! First post!”, or “First page!”, or something of the sort. So I thought I’d poke some fun at it with my first blog here.
    So this is my first official blog. I have done a blog by hand on my website, but this is the first blog software I’ve used. So hello to everyone out there who reads this.

    My life right now is a bit messed up at the moment. On my birthday, Dec 2nd, I began the move from Mass to Georgia. As such, I had to leave the job I loved. Now I’m still unemployed and miles away from where I grew up. Even my boyfriend Giuliano is still unemployed after having to leave his job he had here in GA. We couldn’t buy any presents for the holidays. We have to watch our money and make it stretch as far as possible. We’re staying at the house of a friend of Giuliano’s. And we have to wait to move into our first house until late January or Feb 1st at the latest. I feel like I’m stuck between two worlds right now, the world I left, and the world awaiting me when we move into the house.
    It’s odd staying at someone else’s house for an extended amount of time. It’s compounded by the fact I’m the only woman at the house. I’m surrounded by guys (computer geeks) and their chatting about their interests. The fridge has a box of beer and tall cans and bottles of other kinds of beer. At least my boyfriend Giuliano and I make our keep by helping to clean up after other people staying here and buying supplies (food, drink, etc). Don’t worry, we get reimbursed for what we buy for the house. Now I am grateful for Mike (Giuliano’s friend) for offering us a place to stay. Still there are times I feel like I’m in the way. There isn’t much I can do about it though until at least one of us gets a job.
    The only thing I’m happy about is the weather around here. Giuliano and I are walking around in short-sleeves almost ever day. People around must think that we are strange. I see people in long-sleeves and jackets, while we are basking in the 50 degree weather. Compared to the New England winter weather I’m used to, this is great.

    Well I think I’ll end this blog entry as “Who’s Line is it Anyway?” is on TV now and dinner is ready. I’ll try to add more blogs soon. If I don’t post another blog before 2004, I hope you all have a happy and safe new year.

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