Powell’s Book Haul

First, there’s this book I ordered from Powell’s at the beginning of this year. (They were randomly giving away a gift card with orders placed on that day. I didn’t get one.) :

Crochet 101
I found my crocheting tools, so it’s time I try to relearn this stuff. It’s also spiral bound so that makes it easier to follow along.

The rest of the books are books I got when Powell’s had a 20% off sale. Only “The Seeker” was new, and “Ninja Attack” was on sale (overstock?). The rest are all used books. So on top of the used books price, I got an extra 20% off. Nice! They are all also books I had on my wishlist.

Oh and don’t pay attention to any lighting you may see on the left side of these books. My monitor was on nearby.

Now You're Cooking
A nice cookbook that with each recipe it mentions the hardware you’ll need as well. (Pans, special kitchen tools, etc.)

Tron Betrayal
Graphic novel. Orange dot, once again, signifies I’ve cataloged the book online and added it to my collection.

A Grammar Book for you and I, Oops, me
I am not good with grammar. I switched schools and even different teachers while I was growing up. So my knowledge ended up all over the place.

A story about a tortoiseshell cat Kami.

Recommended to me.

Recommended to me.

Ninja Attack

The Seeker

As you can see the used books are in really good condition. Quite a nice inexpensive haul!



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