A few “Why do people” ponderings.
Why do people walk through a drive thru? I saw that happen tonight. I ponder just what was in that stuff they were smoking. They walked behind cars and mimed that they were driving. Finally they actually tried to see if the restaurant was open and walked inside to order. Wow.. walking inside to order! Who would have thought that’s what you should do instead of walking through a drive thru lane.
Why do people talk on their cell phone in a public bathroom? Really I want to know what makes anyone think that’s a good idea. And who the heck on the other side of the line is okay with that? If someone said they had to use the bathroom and then continued to talk IN the bathroom, I’d hang up. Sorry there are some things I don’t want to hear.
If I have to use a bathroom and I have my cell phone on me, I turn it off before entering. I do the same in dressing rooms too. No conversation is THAT important.
I mean come on. Hang it up or leave it behind on hold while nature calls, okay? And do not answer it if someone calls you while you’re so preoccupied.
Why do people drive the wrong way down a parking lot? There are painted arrows showing that you can only drive one way down that lane. Then there’s the angle of the parking spaces that tell you which way you are supposed to go. And yet while I am driving down the correct way down a one-way lane, someone’s usually driving the other way on that same lane. Sometimes they have the galls to look at me like I’M the crazy one who doesn’t know how to drive. I almost want them to hit me so I can tell their insurance what an idiot they are. I mean it’s not even READING, it’s looking at a picture. Are you so stupid to not know what an arrow pointing toward you means?
Why do people stop on a highway? I mean a literal dead stop. Lalala I’m driving in the left lane. Wait a minute. That’s the exit I have to take. BREAAAAAAAK! Now I have to wait for traffic that’s actually in the right lane to take the exit and for someone to let me in. Oh look the person behind me is trying to stop so that they don’t rear-end my stupid ass.
If you miss your exit, take the next one. Then get back on the highway going the other way and take the damn exit then. You don’t stop on a highway. I’ve had this happen to me THREE TIMES!
Once someone was slowly moving to the right, supposedly taking the exit. I was skeptical as they were kind of swerving before. So I waited until they were actually about to turn off. Then I begin to pass them. As I’m RIGHT NEXT TO THEM, they suddenly veer back into the right lane. I have to veer into the left lane to avoid being hit! I’m sorry but if you make a mistake, you deal with it and backtrack. You don’t stop, you don’t change your mind as someone’s passing you, you don’t back up on the highway. You backtrack.
I swear one day a stupid driver will slam into me and total my car. Either they won’t break soon enough while I’m sitting at a red light. Or I’ll be stopped at a yield, waiting for traffic and they’ll slam into me. Or they’ll drive through a red light. Or they’ll make a U-Turn on a red light and hit me. (I’ve seen someone actually U-Turn on a red.)
This is why I was so afraid to start driving. It’s not that I don’t trust my driving skills. It’s that I don’t trust anyone else’s.
Man. The stupidity of people astounds me. It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad and pathetic.